Implementation of lobbying legislation is lagging behind

Nearly five months into the implementation of the new lobbying legislation, which aims to ensure transparency in economic and business meetings with government officials, some areas still exhibit laxity in enforcement. In a recent interview with “Kathimerini” newspaper, our spokesperson, Dr. Nicolas Kyriakides, observed that many meetings at the municipal and ministry levels continue without verifying lobbyist registration or requiring necessary forms. However, he noted a positive shift when “Oxygen for Democracy” recently sought a meeting with the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus for the organisation of the upcoming “Cyprus Forum.” The request was handled in strict adherence to the law, as the non-governmental organisation was asked to confirm its registration and complete the required forms. This development reflects the government’s commitment to upholding transparency and accountability, signalling a potential cultural shift towards stricter compliance.

For a comprehensive understanding of LPAP’s perspective on lobbying legislation and its enforcement, see the full interview here.